
Hey, I’m Bri. Welcome to my blog where I share my latest travels.

I’m not doing anything special that allows me to travel. I don’t work in the travel industry and I don’t live in a region where it’s easy to travel abroad. I have a full time job. And while I make decent money, I am by no means rich. Travel is not an elitist sport. So if I can travel, you can definitely travel. 

I’m an equal opportunity traveler. From bus trips to luxury villas, I do it all and I write about it here. I generally focus on heritage travel, group travel, wellness and travel for women.  I also provide travel tips to help you go somewhere too! A little bit (more!) about me. I went on my first trip outside of the U.S. in middle school during a road trip to Canada with my family. I’m an amateur genealogist and I try to incorporate some African American history or local history on each trip. I’m a young breast cancer survivor and self care queen. I DO. NOT. PLAY. when it comes to my PTO. One of my travel goals is to visit every country in the Caribbean. I’d love to hear more about you. Leave a comment or send an email to let me know what types of travel you love to do. 

I hope my posts inspire you to see the world, in whatever way you define that.

